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Vajrayana Supervision/Mentorship

Beyond Supervision for Buddhist Helpers

1 h
100 US dollars

Service Description

Helping professionals face a very unique set of inner experiences that can often times lead to doubt, overwhelm, and isolation. These risks are compounded for those of us who have taken the Bodhisattva’s Vow. Our commitment to the well being of all sentient beings drives our other centered behavior while neglecting our own need for being seen and witnessed as being having a full experience. There are few Buddhist helpers out here to support, supervise and mentor other Buddhist helpers. This is why we are so dedicated to creating a form of peer supervision/mentorship that is specified to the needs of Buddhist helpers. We are dedicating specific time to create a space for Buddhist helpers to discuss the work they are doing, and the focus will include Buddhist precepts as they relate to the work we all do in the service of others. For many of us, we have had a series of mentors and guides to get us prepared to do the work for which we have dedicated our lives. Vajrayana Supervision positions itself in a similar space. By creating a holding space for the practitioner we can discuss the Six Realms of Existence in our work, the weight of the Bodhisattva vow, and the overall experience of being a human holding space for other humans. I am honored to create this space, and it is my life long dream to create a supervisory/mentoring space specifically for Buddhist helpers. This space is specifically placed to be a wellspring of safety to discuss what it is like to be YOU doing this work. I have been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for many years, and I have been practicing as a therapist and clinical supervisor for most of that time.I have had the honor of being a student of Lama Justin Von Bujdoss since 2019. Vajrayana Supervision is an extension of this work. If you are interested in working with me or starting a group I would be honored to take up the mantle of sharing the weight of your work and being a support for you in this work. I know how isolating the helping world can be, and I would love for the teachings of Buddhism to illuminate the path we walk together.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that sometimes issues arise that inhibit us from keeping appointments, however out of respect for our practitioners, any appointment cancelled within 24 hours will incur a cancellation fee of $50

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